Monday, March 7, 2011

SOLC 7/31

Today is a type of day where I feel my life as a writer is insignificant. I wonder how  many of my writers in my classroom feel the same way on a given day.  I'm stumped. Brain is empty. I have no idea what piece of today to share, so I will share my ramblings about it.  Please note I'm trying to channel my inner fifth grader! :-)

Can't do it.
Don't make me.
I'm boring.
Life is boring.
Nothing happened.
It was a Monday
what do you expect.
Brain is tired.
It's a dreary day.
I'm cold.
Nothing to say.
like I wrote


  1. Sounds like a fifth grader to me. I like your ending. Some days are like this, accept it, and move onto tomorrow.

  2. Such a cute way to look at another Monday! I found myself thinking the same thoughts about today too. So, I wrote about my eventful 1st week in March.
