Thursday, March 10, 2011

SOLC 10/31

Have you ever had a day that you wished you could start over at 8:05 AM? I'm not saying that I had my own version of Alexander and the Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, but it was a little stressful.  But that isn't my story today. My story is about a group of kids who sense when a teacher's day isn't going quite the way she had expected. I was trying very hard not to take it out on them. Then one turns to me and says, "You know we love you right? Ms. Snow?"  I stopped and signed back I love you too.  Our little signal we developed.  Don't kids just say the darnedest things and the most perfect time?  I believe I love these kids. 


  1. This is a huge sentiment in a small package--lovely slice!
    Hope your day did get better.

  2. Your students sound really special. I hoped they helped turn things around.

  3. The kids knew the right thing to say at the right time. Tomorrow will be a better day (I hope).

  4. Kids have the most amazing antennae - I love your little silent message to each other.
