Sunday, March 27, 2011


What is love? Love looks many different ways. What about a love for a daughter? What does it look like? Yesterday at my house it looked like this...

Thank you Mom and Dad for giving up your ENTIRE Saturday to help me with a new ceiling fan plus two trips to Lowe's. Thank you for showing me for 33 years what LOVE  looks like each and everyday.  Thank you for the wonderful role models you have been for my two children. They are so lucky and blessed that they see you each and every day.  Thank you for loving I am.


  1. Yes, love comes in many guises. Once again the little things, but yet the most important. Seeing grandparents every day is special, too. Enjoyed you definitions of love.

  2. Nice reflection of the ways we can see love, Lynnelle. And what a nice thing you & your husband did for your daughter! You are so lucky to see your grandchildren every day. I just kept my granddaughter for weekend. We live in the same city & I see them often, but we're just not close enough for every day.
