Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Summer is fading.  With it the memories of the best week of my adult life.  As I begin to mentally prepare for the school year, my heart is getting excited to meet my new second graders.  I am also anxious to see my newly turned third graders.

The things that stuck with at TCRWP have been percolating in my mind.  The changes I plan to make and all the things I need to to in preparation for the arrival of my little ones. 

What I am most pleased about is my renewed focus on my own writing.  Last year was an adjustment.  New school. Making new friends. Learning new curriculum.  This year I feel as if I am making my own way. I understand the way things are done at the new school, and now I can add my own special flavor to the mix.

With this reflection and new confidence for this year I am so excited to meet my 22 second graders!!  So cheers to new pens, new ideas, and learning we each have a voice!!

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