Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Slice of Life

"I would have been sad if you didn't choose us."

That sentence still echoes in my ears as I sit and ponder the next days activities for my writer's workshop.  Today my class and I discussed moving in time-flashbacks as our goal for writing for the day.  I described a scene from Wicked. Elphaba singing the last bars of Defying Gravity and giving  me goosebumps as I watched her rise in the air defying the odds.  All the while I looked upon the stage wondering what if? What if I had decided to not marry? To not stay in Oklahoma? To do what I had planned as  my 18 year old self?  Where would I be? Could I be where those actors are? Would I be teaching in New York like I had planned?

The sea of faces staring at me looked puzzled. What if? Ms. S is losing it they seem to say in their stares. Then the one sentence escaped from the young ladies mouth,"I would have been sad if you didn't choose us."

Me too sweetie....me too.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet of that child. Sounds like her comment came at exactly the right time.
