Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Challenge #31~Today~

As I was getting my girls' dinner ready I saw a bird's nest and even though we had 8 inches of snow on Sat. and 60 degree weather on Sunday. I felt that Nature was speaking to me through this beautiful sight.

Today I am one step closer to being the teacher I always dreamed I would have.

Today I am reminded to pause and embrace the moment.

Today I believe my life journey is for a reason.

Today I hope I can make a difference in someone's life.

Today I can forgive myself for not being perfect.

Today ends.

Tomorrow begins.

A new to-day.

Inspired by Ruth's post on TWT.


  1. Ah, Lynnelle, what a wonderful sight this bird's next is, but also wonderful to have such a strong geometric statement against a blue, blue sky. A lovely photo and lovely closing words.

    Keep writing!

  2. Thanks for this warm welcome to poetry month; You have just set the stage.

    Wow, this feels like graduation ceremonies. Everyone is happy yo move on but sad to go.
    This really has been a special month. Like the classroom we have built a community with out writing and formed a bond with our sharing. I am so thrilled to have meet such wonderful writers and thinkers. People have really made every slice count! I will continue to post and read and comment.

    Your comments and kind words really made my month!

    Today ends.

    Tomorrow begins.

    A new to-day.
