Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Very Thought of You

Today is a day that many of us will never forget. We know exactly where we were eleven years ago when we heard the news of the Twin Towers being attacked.

I was a young teacher headed to environmental camp with 300 sixth graders. It would be two days before I saw the first pictures or heard the broadcasts of what happened.

Now, eleven years later and a few months after a trip to NYC. My heart grieves as all Americans do, however, I know that New Yorkers are devoted to their city. Filled with pride, as well they should be...because this Oklahoman fell in love with the sights and culture and color that decorates the streets.

My heart is with all of you tonight as you spend tonight remembering. I know you always remember that horrific day, but you didn't allow it to take hold of you...Beautiful NYC. You survived a moment that many cities could not which is probably why so many people love NYC. She burns with such passion that she ignites it from the deepest depths of our souls. We have no choice but to heed her impulse. Her desire. Her survival.

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